Take Action After Being Charged With Assault

Partner with our assault attorney in Red Bluff, CA

Have you been accused of assault in Red Bluff, CA? Call the Law Office Of Leo G. Barone right away. Our assault attorney has experience working on all kinds of cases related to physical or emotional harm. You can trust our assault charge attorney and legal team to build your case and go to court as needed. We can help make dealing with your assault charge less stressful.

You have options after being charged with assault. Schedule a consultation with our assault attorney today.

Discover the cases we can work on

We can take on assault cases of any type. Our attorney has worked with clients charged with:

  • Simple assault
  • Physical assault
  • Aggravated assault
  • Sexual assault
  • Verbal assault

No matter the charge, we can help you put together a case. Contact us today to set up a meeting with our assault charge attorney.